Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is Engagement is necessary before marriage?

Every one has different views. some says that engagment is not necessary while others say that its not. Both have different aspects and views aswell to prove their thoughts. What you think who is right?


  1. yes i think it is ... engagement is essential or relevant before marriage . it is the asking permission of the man to the girls parents to asked the hand of the girl to marry her . it differs from tradition to culture. i have so simple one ... engagement is relevant because its a form of respect from the mans family to the gilrs family . it is essential to knpow whether the girls parents approves the marriage between the two . it is where some do some planning in marriage too ... respect and courtesy then plays a vital role during engagement its the time where parent and family talk and meet each other in view of the forth comming marriage of the two couple ... well what ever it is best wishes ... and congratulations...

  2. getting engaged......or u can say getting booked is gud ...may be 2 know each other,2 express ur feelings n telling ur habits, n those things which u might think could b dangerous if told after marriage ;-)but yea seriously it is gud but not nessesary..........
